Bács-Kiskun Megyei
Katona József Könyvtár
6000 Kecskemét
Piaristák tere 8.
6001 Kecskemét Pf. 127.
Telefon: 76/500-550
Fax: 76/500-570
Titkárság: 76/500-555
Nyitva tartás:
Kedd - Szombat:10-19 h

Periodical reading room Periodical reading room

Here you can choose from more than 170 publications. You will find the copies of the local and national dailies and weeklies, the county’s information and advertising papers, the illustrated papers and magazines.You can ask for photographic copies of articles, advertisements and reports.Different optical facilities are at your disposal to help you to read. You can ask the librarian for a reading bar, reading ball or a traditional magnifier.The librarians help your orientation and give you information.Registered library membership is not necessary for you to use the Periodical reading room.

For further information, please, call 76/500-563 or write to tajekoztatas [at] kjmk.hu.